Once brought on as a client, we will send you our DME Licensing Questionnaire to fill out and send back to us. This covers basic business information that we will need for the next step.
Once the questionnaire is received back, Boost will accurately complete all required paperwork and send you a compliant submission package tailored to your business and products.
Once you receive your submission package back from us, you will sign and send the documents back and we will follow up with the state boards to get your DME applications processed and approved.
DME Licensing can be a daunting and complicated process that scares away and frustrates most people... but it doesn't have to be that way. Boost Advisory Group will do all the work for you. We provide our expert DME Licensing Services nationwide and for all DME product categories. We also handle your DME License Renewals to ensure you never have a Durable Medical Equipment license expire and we will keep you informed of regulatory changes that may affect your license. With Boost Advisory Group's Nationwide DME Licensing Services you never have to worry about your licensing needs.
Contact us for all of your DME industry consulting needs. Schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation.